Robotics Labs At Homes and Schools





Play As You Learn (Courses)
Robotics & Engineering
Wonder Bots (with LEGO ® WeDo: Students work as young scientists, engineers, mathematicians and creative writers to construct, modify and redesign LEGO models). The wonderful awesomeness starts here...
Fearless Mathspert Mental Maths
Fearless Mathspert Mental Maths (kids become proficient in doing fast and accurate mental calculations, develop stronger memory, concentration and confidence; helps develop sharper minds that can do well in university entrance and aptitude tests).
Space Detectives
Space Detectives (join an elite multinational team of kids, code-named Guardians of the Earth, searching for life in the universe and fighting nasty aliens). Follow this lead.
Learn & Fun
Robotics for Kids uses fun, hands-on projects (featuring LEGO® and Littlebits®) to teach kids robotics and STEM skills. Personalized interactive learning for your kids.
Research & Development
Our Robotics Centre is research driven– we develop products for teachers like you in cooperation with many local teachers. We use an iterative process that involves several rounds of testing, initially with the teachers, and then in their classrooms.
Game 10101
Game 10101 (with LEGO ® Robotics, Microsoft ® Kodu and GameSalad ®: what's more fun than playing computer games - creating your own games!
Teaching Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Maths Using Robotics
Hours of Training
Students Inspired
Creditrons Earned
Certificates & Awards Won
STEM activities in schools

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